Co-authored by Tanja Samardzija.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority filed a proposed rule change to amend FINRA Rule 2267 to require a member firm to include a description of and link to FINRA BrokerCheck on its website, social media page and any comparable Internet presence. The BrokerCheck description and link would also need to be included on the website, social media page and any comparable Internet presence maintained by or on behalf of any person associated with a member that relate to the firm’s investment banking or securities business. FINRA would provide members with the text description and web address format for the link to BrokerCheck. FINRA will publish a Regulatory Notice announcing the effective date of the proposed rule change no later than 60 days following approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the proposed rule. FINRA will provide guidance regarding the prominence and placement of the BrokerCheck description and link in such Regulatory Notice.
The FINRA Rule Filing is available here.