On March 5, NASDAQ announced the launch of its new capital marketplace for private companies, NASDAQ Private Market. Qualifying companies will be able to use NASDAQ Private Market’s platform to raise capital and control secondary transactions, similar to secondary market platforms offered by other companies. To qualify as a member company, a private company must meet minimum standards for reporting and disclosure and must: (1) have received at least $30 million in funding in the last two years and have an enterprise value of at least $50 million; (2) have had each of total assets and annual revenue of at least $50 million in the latest fiscal year, or in two of the last three fiscal years; (3) have an annual net income of at least $750,000 in the latest fiscal year, or in two of the last three fiscal years; (4) have $5 million in shareholders’ equity and two years of operating history; or (5) be backed by a recognized financial investor or investors with a “track record of successful venture investments.”
To view NASDAQ’s press release, click here.
To access the NASDAQ Private Market website, click here.