On October 1, National Futures Association issued Notice to Members I-14-26 informing commodity pool operators (CPOs) of changes to Form PQR and to remind member CPOs and commodity trading advisors (CTAs) to file required reports in a timely manner. NFA has made minor technical changes to Form PQR, which are available here. These changes became effective September 30; the updated Form PQR will be available in the EasyFile system on October 6. The CTA Form PR remains unchanged.
Additionally, NFA reminded member CPOs and CTAs to file required reports on a timely basis. A member CPOs must electronically file Form PQR within 60 days of the quarters ending in March, June and September, and within 90 days of the quarter ending in December. A member CTA must file Form PR within 45 days of each quarter end. A member CPO must also file a copy of each operated pool’s Annual Report within 90 days of the pool’s fiscal year end. NFA reminded members that failure to timely file these reports is a violation of NFA rules and may result in disciplinary action.
NFA Notice I-14-26 is available here.