On November 13, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a number of documents relating to the implementation of the EU Securitization Regulation, supporting the new European framework for securitizations:
- a final report containing draft regulatory and implementing technical standards (RTS and ITS) on securitization repository (SR) requirements, operational standards and access conditions under the Securitization Regulation. The RTS and ITS concern the information and templates to be provided as part of an application by a firm to register as an SR with ESMA;
- a final report containing technical advice to the European Commission on fees for SRs under the Securitization Regulation;
- guidance on ESMA’s arrangements for being notified of a securitization’s simple, transparent and standardized (STS) status consisting of a set of reporting instructions and an interim STS notification template, pending the development by ESMA of its STS Register in the coming months; and
- a statement aiming to provide additional information to market participants on ESMA’s responsibilities under the Securitization Regulation.
ESMA has submitted the RTS, ITS and technical advice to the European Commission for endorsement.
A press release, with links to each of the documents, is available here.