On November 2, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued Part 30 exemptive orders to multiple non-US intermediaries, upon determining that they are subject to comparable customer protection standards in their home jurisdiction. Those intermediaries are the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the National Stock Exchange International Financial Service Centre Limited (NSE IFC), the Montreal Exchange (MX), NZX Limited (NZX) and UBS AG (UBS). The orders issued to BSE, NSE IFC and NZX extend exemptive relief to their respective members, while the order issued to MX amends and consolidates prior exemptive relief granted on behalf of its members.
The order issued to UBS is particularly noteworthy, as it is the first such order issued to an entity that is not a foreign self-regulatory organization or regulator.
The CFTC press release, including links to the exemptive orders, is available here.