Form SHC is due once every five years as part of a survey conducted by the Department of the Treasury soliciting information identifying ownership of foreign securities by US residents. Form SHC is due on March 3 for the year ending December 31, 2016.
Continue Reading Treasury Form SHC and Private Fund Advisers
Jack P. Governale
US Reporter Deadlines for Bureau of Economic Analysis BE-180 Report
Every five years, the US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) conducts a survey concerning financial services transactions between US “Financial Services Providers” (defined below) and entities domiciled or incorporated outside the United States (Foreign Persons). Each US entity that (1) is a Financial Services Provider; and (2) either was contacted by the BEA or had combined sales to or purchases from Foreign Persons in excess of $3 million during its 2014 fiscal year is required to file a report (US Reporter) using the Form BE-180.
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Form BE-10 Filing Deadline Looms
Every five years, the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the US Department of Commerce (BEA) conducts a survey concerning the extent of investment abroad by US individuals and entities (US persons). In the past, only US persons specifically requested to do so by the BEA were required to respond to the survey by filing a BE-10 report. This year, however, each US person who had a foreign affiliate (as described below) at any time during its 2014 fiscal year is required to file the report.
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