On October 29, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced certain reorganizational changes designed to enhance the CFTC’s operational effectiveness. Specifically:

  • the Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight and the Office of Customer Education and Outreach have been combined to form the new Market Participants Division;
  • personnel from various operating units including the Office of Data and Technology and the Division of Market Oversight have been merged into the new Division of Data to centralize the CFTC’s data functions;
  • the Office of General Counsel and the Office of the Executive Secretariat have been merged to form the new Legal Division; and
  • the Office of the Executive Director and the customer service elements of the Office of Data and Technology have been combined to form the new Division of Administration.

The mission (and names) of the Division of Clearing and Risk, Division of Market Oversight, and Division of Enforcement remains unchanged.

The press release announcing the reorganization is available here.